
Contamination and Diversion – Our Waste Initiative


Our vision is to reduce the amount of contamination and increase the amount of waste diversion in our school community. If successful, we hope to share our ideas with other schools in the district and public areas in the community to help with recycling and compost initiatives.


To improve our waste diversion rate and decrease our contamination rate, we are increasing the awareness of compostable and recyclable items in an alternative, visual way. We feel that providing visuals will also provide additional support for our ELL learners. In our school wide waste audit conducted this year, we found that we observed some commonly misplaced items in each category of waste. We are making shadow boxes to hang above the three bins in busy areas of the school. These boxes have some obvious items (such as apples and pears for compost), but also some commonly mistaken ones (like coffee cups for compost). With the help of our school’s caretakers and administration, we hope to hang these up in time for the next school year.

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
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