
Water we doing?


Our vision for Canada is… to allow all people access to clean drinking water, as well as have future generations understand the importance of having access to clean drinking water. Access to this basic human right communities in Canada and around the World will flourish. In doing so, Youth like us will be given all the same opportunities that we experience daily (e.g., education, health care, freedom)


We found baseline data of what our school community spends on things like juice boxes, milk to go, other “non-reusable” drinks. ($22,550 a school year!). We created a questionnaire, polled both our English and French classes, estimated the average cost of juice boxes and then analyzed the information in different ways (e.g., per grade group, per division, per day, per year). From that information we created a bilingual presentation to present to our entire school community (a power point, and script). We created “Water Week” to encourage our school to bring ONLY reusable water bottles and donate any of their weekly savings to our “water fund”. As a class we decided our water fund earnings will be used to donate to a community who needs access to clean water. Our goal will see us build a well, or even a community center that provides water and education for generations to come. All of our action project steps were equally distributed among each of the students in a class so everyone had a contributing role to our project.

We will be writing letters to Prime Minister Trudeau about the importance and need for clean drinking water in our First Nation communities. Many of these communities are under “boiling water advisories” and just before his election, he had promised to make a difference. We have now realized that this global crisis is happening right in our own country!


6. Clean Water and Sanitation
10. Reduced Inequalities
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
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