
Aeroponics Makerspace Class Project


Aeroponics and how it assists in helping our earth has been a focus of mine for a long time. Our team believes that the switch from traditional growing to hydro/aeroponic growing is going to be vital for the future we are careening towards.


With the help of my friends and a very important teacher, we were able to start the process of learning for ourselves. Not only that, but teaching others the benefits that come with growing your own plants aeroponically. We created a proposal, received funding from our school’s parent council, purchased, assembled and seeded our Tower Garden, watched, waited, pruned, and finally harvested vegetables and herbs.

Reflection & Celebration

This program we have pioneered has proven to help in many areas of the school. Examples include providing a calm, safe area for students to gather, teaching students about alternative ways to provide for themselves, teaching students about the environmental possibilities available with alternative growing methods, a High School Options Makerspace Course, and many more in all areas of the school. This program has not only helped me learn about plants and how they grow, but also about people and how just simple students from a small country school can change the world. One environmentally friendly growing tower at a time.

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
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