All EARS (Education, Action, Recycling for Sustainability)
Our vision was to cut down on unnecessary garbage output from the school and to educate students on climate issues, responsible consumption, and sustainability.
To make our vision successful, we embarked on making a series of public service announcements (PSAs) that would educate students and the members of our community on Earth Day, Sustainable Development Goals, Reducing Carbon Emissions, and Recycling. We did activities surrounding Earth Day, including a beach cleanup and an interactive activity for students in the lobby saying why Earth Day is important to them. To reduce our garbage output, we analyzed our garbage and found that many recyclable cans and bottles were being thrown into the garbage that could have been recycled. So, we purchased 18 recycling bins specifically for cans and bottles that have been placed in all classrooms and common areas for students and staff of the school to use. We will collect them periodically, take them to the bottle exchange and use the funds from the bottles for future school action.
Reflection & Celebration
Making the PSAs and organizing the various activities was extremely educational, and it felt good to make a difference that would positively affect the community.