Breakfast Heroes! Reducing our Carbon Footprint at OLCS
Our vision was to eliminate single-use cutlery from our school-wide breakfast program by making the switch to reusable options. We also wanted to reward students who actively choose to pack litter-less lunches!
We ordered stainless steel forks and spoons to replace the plastic cutlery in our kitchen, allowing us to divert at least 425 pieces of cutlery from the landfills each week! We also purchased prizes (reusable sandwich bags, cutlery kits and stickers) to reward students that we noticed were packing litter-less lunches. So far, the kids are very excited to show us the reusable containers that they are packing their lunches in. We hope that they keep up the great work!
Reflection & Celebration
We are very happy that we finally decided to switch to reusable cutlery! Now that we have a dishwasher at our school, clean-up is very easy and there is no excuse to rely on single-use plastics anymore. Students are enjoying the opportunity to win prizes simply by making more eco-friendly choices when packing their lunches. We know that this small change will contribute greatly to lowering our collective carbon footprint.