
Bringing Green into Richmond Green Part 2


Students from the EcoTeam at Richmond Green Secondary School were inspired by a profound commitment to environmental conservation and educational innovation to come up with the Green Classrooms project. This project envisions a transformative approach to the learning environments present within our classrooms and a daily real life approach to incorporating the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) in every classroom that desires it.

The incorporation of nature in our daily environments provides boundless opportunities for the enrichment of student experiences; members of the club aimed to integrate greenery in every classroom environment. This integration of plants within learning environments has the potential to benefit physical and mental health, while also contributing to combating climate change by purifying the air within classrooms (Happy Houseplants, 2023).


We invited all homeroom classrooms to have a snake plant. Our school mascot is the rattlesnake and the snake plant was chosen for this reason. A video was shown outlining the benefits of the plants within classrooms and their effect in helping with air quality, and to combat climate change. Students and staff using these classrooms were asked to take care of the plant which included watering it. On behalf of the room, each class/participant was asked to contribute a pledge to take care of the environment. These pledges serve as tangible expressions of our collective dedication to nurturing not only the verdant life within our school but also the delicate balance of our broader ecological community. Each pledge represents a solemn promise inspiring a sense of responsibility and reverence for the environment in every student and staff who participates. Through this intimate connection with nature and the act of pledging, we understand that the natural environment is interconnected with our daily lives and our learning within classrooms, and foster a culture of environmental mindfulness within the school environment.

Reflection & Celebration

Many students were proud to be able to take part in this project and take care of the plants. Watching the plants thrive within the classrooms uplifted the environment and also allowed for students to engage with nature more.

Some students found that the involvement of greenery allowed them to have better moods throughout the school day and have an overall increased performance and experience within the school environment. Others indicated that they plan to incorporate more plants in their home environments as well. Overall, many are hopeful for the sustainability and conservation of our natural environments in the future.


Check out our video here!

3. Good Health and Well-Being
4. Quality Education
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
13. Climate Action
15. Life on Land
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
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