
CALMmon Space


Our vision is a safe space for students and teachers to utilize for a variety of reasons – whether curricular or personal. Students will be able to harvest vegetables and herbs, while also learning about the environment and the work required to sustain our green space. It is an important issue in our community as a school we have taken on many green initiatives and students are understanding the importance to their daily loves and to their futures.


Our vision for Canada is… a greener community, especially within our school grounds. Our CALMmon space will provide warmth, shade and food for our students. All students are invited to use the space when stressed or anxious. Also available to all teachers to bring their classes in for instruction. There are many different types of gardens – herbal (medicine wheel), veg gardens, perennials and annuals. Mostly all plants are pollinator plants. All science classes, shop classes, art and life skills participated in the creation and the build.

Reflection & Celebration

The space is great and will only get better, as more bodies take ownership for the space. More teachers are coming out and community members have been dropping by to see our new space. WE will be releasing our butterflies to celebrate this new green place.


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3. Good Health and Well-Being
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
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