
Circle Garden and Living Wall


Our vision for Canada is… that every student in Canadian schools have the opportunity to explore in depth topics in sustainability; environmental conservation, social justice, culture, health and well-being. This can be done through project based learning, mentorship and community connections. The purpose of Education for Sustainable Living is to support the transition towards a whole-school approach to sustainability by allowing students to be the ambassadors for change.


This grant has allowed us to buy plants to supply our West Kildonan Collegiate Circle garden, as well as our new project which is a living wall in our school’s common gathering space. The plants we will grow in the circle garden include foods that are open for the community to harvest; such as tomatoes, mixed peppers, herbs and squash. We also plant a variety of pollinator plants to support the biodiversity of insects, and butterflies. In addition, we have a perennial garden filled with Indigenous medicinal plants such as sage and tobacco.

Our living wall project is to help create a more welcoming and green space in the school building. We have selected a variety of hostas, and coleus species which will be best suited to the natural light available. Additionally, the plants are also coming from a Greenhouse Fundraiser at our school, that will give back to the school’s Zoology club, which in turn will help students learn about biology.

Reflection & Celebration

We will be creating beautiful green learning spaces for our students and our community, which are designed and maintained by youth. We are also supporting re-connecting students to animals in the process by supporting our school’s zoology club.


Follow us on twitter @wkcslam!

2. Zero Hunger
10. Reduced Inequalities
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
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