Cradle to Cradle Waste Reduction
Our vision for Canada is a Canada where everyone does their part to reduce the amount of garbage that they produce, reuse items rather than creating waste. recycle organic waste into soil. We imagine a Canada where all of our food waste is transformed into nourishment for the plants that feed the pollinators that are so vital for our own food productions, as well as the ecosystems that support life on this planet.
We started a composting program in our school. As of May 2019, every single classroom, the main office and the staff room are all composting. Currently our organic waste is picked up as part of the curbside composting program in Guelph, but we are hoping to eventually redirect some of the compost into a pollinator garden that we have begun developing along with funds from other action grants.
Environmental Club students developed an interactive composting presentation. They presented in every classroom in our school, kindergarten to grade 8. They also developed signs to help students properly sort their waste. Our lunch helpers assist primary students with properly sorting their waste during snack and lunch, and students are responsible for regularly emptying and rinsing out the compost bins. We now compost at all of our community events, including our Winter Carnivale and our end-of-the-year celebration BBQ.
Students have also extensively researched the pollinator plants that we will be planting in our garden site this June as soon as some of the residual moisture from our wet spring has dried up. We have purchased trowels that we will keep on-site to be used by students in future greening projects. Students are also in the process of helping to design signage that will be largely paid for by another grant we have applied for, with a contribution coming from our LSF grant. Once the plants and signage are installed, our Environmental Club students will lead garden tours with interested teachers, students and parents to discuss why the pollinator garden is so important and how it can be used as a learning space.