Developing Outdoor Recreational Experiences for Students with Special Needs
The Special Education Department at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School developed a plan to increase our students’ connections with the natural environment through hands on experiences and life skill acquisition. This has included regular outdoor experiences as well as direct instruction related to actions and impact they have on the environment around us. One significant aspect of this plan was to increase students’ engagement with outdoor recreational activities to promote healthy, active living for life.
Our department identified a need for new adaptive equipment so that our students with special needs could participate in outdoor recreational activities safely. Through connections to Special Olympics Ontario we were able to source a set of equipment to supplement our programming and help us to achieve our goals. We were able to purchase the Special Olympic Unified Program Starter Kit which included a manual of adaptive games and a soft Boccia set for our students to use.
Reflection & Celebration
Unfortunately, due to supply chain issues, our equipment was not received until June 2022. We were unable to use the equipment prior to the end of the previous school year. With this new equipment our students have started the year strong, participating daily in outdoor recreational activities as a means of staying healthy as well as for enjoyment.