Earth Week Community Challenges
To facilitate thought-provoking conversations and mindful earth-friendly changes during Earth Week this year! Passionate student leaders engage the community in the short-term to assist in developing long-term habits and community-wide change. We hope to make this year’s Earth Week informative, supportive and fun!
Our action project was an impactful Earth Week this year, led by our student Green Club. Our Student Green Club planned a school-wide assembly for 400 students to kick-off Earth Week (April 17) and hosted two school-wide challenges as well as two community initiatives. The assembly focused on reducing waste and how to correctly sort waste, and the students created slideshows and skits to demonstrate litterless lunches and proper waste sorting. From April 18-21, students earned points for participating in the following two challenges: 1) Bringing a Litterless Lunch 2) Earth-friendly transportation to school. During this week, Green Club also introduced a Community Clean-Up bin, and 7 classes participated in a community clean-up around the school grounds. Finally, they kicked off a Return-It bottle fundraiser to raise money for more compost and recycling bins around school to help with reducing waste and correct disposal. Our LSF grant money will be going towards this initiative too.
Reflection & Celebration
Our Earth Week projects were a huge success! Our Green Club students were passionately engaged in monitoring our community challenges and awarding points. Staff and parents asked thoughtful questions and had mindful discussions about simple changes that they can make every day to have a big impact over time. We hope to continue with litterless lunches as a school-wide on-going initiative to reduce waste. Our Green Club is inspired to create a video for staff and students with specific scenarios for waste disposal to continue education around recycling and composting. We are proud of this project, and these initiatives, and received positive feedback and engagement from our community!
Check out the Student Green Club web page