
Eco Leadership Workships


Through the HDSB LSF Student Conference, Students wanted to lead other classes in the school in Eco Workshops.


After the LSF Conference, we gathered the students that participated as well as any others interested in environmental work to brainstorm ideas for the grant. The students loved the learning that they received from the mini-workshops at the conference and wanted to be able to provide this learning for other students in the school. To help gain some ideas on how teachers can get outside, we ordered the keychain cards. When we explained to the two leadership classes what we were planning, all students wanted to get involved in the teaching. Students created mini lessons using the cards that they could lead outside with other classes. They practiced the lessons in class and to their classroom peers before heading outside with other classes in the school, ranging from Kindergarten to Grade 8, who had signed up for the mini lessons. The lessons lasted 30-50 minutes.
The lessons were very successful in that students were able to engage classes in the the surrounding environment in a variety of ways. Students learned how to take in the details around them and teachers learned how to get students outside for a variety of reasons. A total of 12 groups presented over 20 lessons to the school community. This success leads to an understanding of how important our environment is. The quote by Jane Goodall is what drives outdoor education “Only if we understand, can we care. Only if we care, we will help. Only if we help, we shall be saved.” Children are spending less and less time outside, therefore creating a disconnect between what they know as our world and what is truly our environment. The first step to helping students care about the environment and climate change is to get them outside and understanding the natural environment. The more we can get students outside, immersed in the natural world, the more they will learn to care, and the more they will want to take care of it.
Some of the mini workshops presented included – “Take a Neighbourhood Walk”, “Create a Nature Character”, “Build a habitat”, “The Colours of Nature”, “Listen and Observe – learn the 4 directions”, and “Story Telling Scavenger Hunt”. Reports back from student leaders indicated that it was a very rewarding experience to be able to lead other’s outside and try to promote connection with the natural world. Teachers and students who participated in the workshops reported that they loved the opportunity to be outside of the classroom.
One group used the books “My Sit Spot” to teach others about finding a spot to sit and take in the details of the natural world. This project has been a great success and truly helped our leadership students understand the importance of outdoor education.

3. Good Health and Well-Being
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
13. Climate Action
15. Life on Land
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