


I wanted to spur a Deep Learning initiative for my Grade 5 class in regards to solidifying our school as an Eco School. I wanted them to join a group that pertained to their own interest in regards to protecting the environment.


Students chose 1 of 4 groups to join and do research. The treat sale and spirit week was all hands on deck.

Spirit Week Around Earth Day: Daily Themes, posters, announcements.
Decal project for birds: Creating a presentation and asking Parent Council for funding, and then scouting the school for optimum placement of decals.
Composting in classroom: Creating an informational ad/presentation on what items are able to be composted, counting how many compost bins are needed and sourcing bins for the school.
Website: Creating informational content to educate our school on our ECO initiatives.

Reflection & Celebration

We raised $1700.00 to place bird decals and compost bins in our school.
My class had a freezie and movie party for all of their hard work.
They felt so proud of themselves and worked extremely hard.

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
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