I wanted to spur a Deep Learning initiative for my Grade 5 class in regards to solidifying our school as an Eco School. I wanted them to join a group that pertained to their own interest in regards to protecting the environment.
Students chose 1 of 4 groups to join and do research. The treat sale and spirit week was all hands on deck.
Spirit Week Around Earth Day: Daily Themes, posters, announcements.
Decal project for birds: Creating a presentation and asking Parent Council for funding, and then scouting the school for optimum placement of decals.
Composting in classroom: Creating an informational ad/presentation on what items are able to be composted, counting how many compost bins are needed and sourcing bins for the school.
Website: Creating informational content to educate our school on our ECO initiatives.
Reflection & Celebration
We raised $1700.00 to place bird decals and compost bins in our school.
My class had a freezie and movie party for all of their hard work.
They felt so proud of themselves and worked extremely hard.