
Equity Garden


Our aim is to teach students about equity through gardening education. For example, a sunflower and a tomato plant requires us to care for them differently because their needs are different. Plants in the garden bed are chosen to symbolize diversity and to show students that when plants (and people) are provided with the right care and resources, we will all flourish together. Our garden also provides stewardship opportunities by discussing the importance of pollinator plants, food insecurity once our food plants start producing, and the social responsibilities of leaving the spaces and places we care about better than we found them.


We planted a variety of food plants and pollinator plants.
We included students in the planning of the garden, what to put where, needs-analysis of different plants/conditions in our garden, then drew the comparison to society and social justice issues affecting our community and country. We brought math in for calculating volume of soil required.
Older students worked with younger students to create and plant seed bombs. All classes help with water and maintenance. Topics like food insecurity and poverty were addressed using direct instruction and our garden.

Reflection & Celebration

Students thoroughly enjoyed this project. They were excited to contribute to something that the entire school community can benefit from and enjoyed the leadership opportunities the garden affords them. We look forward to harvesting our fall food plants in September/October, and welcome the bees to our yard.


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2. Zero Hunger
3. Good Health and Well-Being
10. Reduced Inequalities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
15. Life on Land
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