Filming For Change
To create films that inspire others to live in more sustainable and just ways for our present and future worlds.
We began our film journey learning about social and environmental justice. We read articles, watched documentaries, listened to others, attended webinars and learned about the value of water and the many ways this precious resource was threatened. In our research we paid attention to equity, root causes and considered the perspectives of those that may not have a voice. We invited elders (parents & grandparents) and professional filmmakers from Black, Indigenous and People of Colour organizations to teach and inspire us. We took time to experiment and learned how to transform our ideas into films. At the same time, we explored behaviour change, and challenged ourselves through goal setting, audits and reflections to change ourselves first, before asking others. Finally, we crafted numerous short films that we hope inspires others and paints a picture that better is possible. This month we will be hosting our peers and after showing the film, engage in discussions on what we can do together.
Reflection & Celebration
Overall, this process helped us uncover some of the complex and interconnected layers of water issues and the deep dive has made the issues more personal and relevant. Putting these film together also taught us to look for solutions, see what is already happening, and let others know so we can participate in change together. Lastly, we have learned the power of our voice, and when we put our voices together, change is possible.