
For the Love of Bees


Our vision was to provide bees a safe location to do their work.


For our 2024 Action Project we decided to continue to support our local honey bee yard. We started by researching the need to support our environment so that honey bees could continue to do their important work of helping flowers and making honey. We teamed up with a local bee keeper to learn about the need for more bee boxes. Our bee keeper shared how he also brings in queen bees from Chile. The students decided that they wanted to purchase, build, prime and paint 30 new bee boxes so that more honey bees would have a safe and protected area to live and make honey.

Reflection & Celebration

The students enjoy how this is a project that has longevity. They are looking forward to returning in the fall to see how much honey their boxes were able to produce.

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
15. Life on Land
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