
Forest Rehabilitation


Our school grounds has a wood lot that went unused for years. For the last 3 years we have been rehabilitating the lot to be an inclusive forest classroom and explore space. This has included clearing away dead trees and brush and other hazards, constructing a fully accessible pathway, as well as, smaller pathways for exploration, eradicating the invasive species buckthorn and replacing with native species trees.


Having completed the clearing and pathway construction, we applied for an LSF grant to assist with the buckthorn eradication and replanting of native species trees. With the monies provided, we completed the removal of hundreds of buckthorn trees and seedlings and replanted 31 white spruce trees in the wood lot.

Reflection & Celebration

Our original vision is almost complete! With the help of the LSF grant we were able to realize the last piece of the puzzle and begin to seed our forest classroom with new trees for the future. This is a space where we learn, gather, and play on a regular basis and it allows our students to be a part of the natural world right in our back yard!

3. Good Health and Well-Being
4. Quality Education
15. Life on Land
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