Garden of Hope
To create a beautiful, sustainable garden that inspires hope, inclusion, prayerfulness and appreciation for God’s creations.
As a continuation to our “Garden of Hope” project that began in the pandemic of Spring 2021, parents in our community donated plants to our school garden that was previously bare and uncultivated. This year, with this Action Project funding, we continued the work we started by adding rocks, mulch, and additional plants and perennials to our school garden. We also planted seeds for flowers that invite Monarch butterflies, bees and insects as per the interest of our students. It is our hope that our students continue to take pride and care for planting, tending, watering and sustaining the school garden as we rejoice in the blessing of God’s creations.
Reflection & Celebration
In thanks for the donations and partnerships with our community, as a school, we were able to continue the work that we began in this Garden. Our students note that at times, the process is a journey, and together, we can work toward a goal by adding our talents and gifts each year. Our Garden of Hope is a source of inspiration, not only for our staff and students, but for the community that enjoys it as well.
A wonderful project that promoted collaboration, teamwork, sustained effort and vision.