
Green and Clean


To develop a way of everyday living that includes being aware of keeping our school, our neighborhood and our community of Rothesay not only green but also clean. Be responsible consumers and producers, use education to our advantage and work towards sustainable cities and communities.


Using the LSF Grant, we purchased a class set of grabbers that allows us to clean not only around our school but also around our community. The collection of this litter was viewed and organized. This data is being used to help address the issues of what types of trash are being found discard and a plan being developed to help prevent this type of unnecessary litter.
It has been our hypothesis that our school population needs some continued signage and educational formats to keep everyone aware of the damaging effects of not being responsible for our waste. After analysis of the litter, we will approach the sources of the litter to find potential solutions.
It has been a belief of ours that much of the litter is not intended litter. We have observed on windy days that our recycling program has been part of the contributions to this littering issue. The recycling bins often fall over in the wind and the plastics and cardboard litter out neighborhood. Looking into a possible solution.

Reflection & Celebration

In reflecting on our Learning for Sustainable Futures grant, we learned the importance of taking action to go beyond simply picking up after other people or continuously allowing our recycling program to add to the littering issue.

In celebration, we can see that by educating this generation of students that we can develop a great feeling about our accomplishments, and we can continue to be responsible consumers and producers and look forward to living in sustainable cities and communities.

The educational posters and grabbers will be used into the future.

3. Good Health and Well-Being
4. Quality Education
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
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