Gypsumville School’s Mini Orchard
We want to plant fruit trees/plants so that students will not go hungry. We also want to help our Earth and do our part to prevent climate change. Trees/plants help with bringing oxygen to our Earth and food for our pollinators. We also want our students to learn to live off the food on the land–to learn to grow their own food and harvest it.
We planted four fruit tress (two apple, two plum) from a local greenhouse. We also planted 9 strawberry plants in 3 raised planters. And, also to help our pollinators and create beauty, we planted a few flowers in the planters outside of our school. Students are watering daily on a rotation. The students all helped to plant, and all will help to take care of our “mini-orchard”.
Reflection & Celebration
There is so much to celebrate whenever someone gardens! The students are enjoying observing the growth of the plants, and they can clearly see the “fruits of the labours”. It will be even more rewarding once the strawberries produce this June, and the fruit trees in the fall.