Gypsumville School’s Yummy Gardening Project
We want our students and our community to have a place where they can pick fruit/vegetables when they need it. We are building a beautiful spot of solace and delectable foods. We desire to produce a legacy, one that our students create and take care of, to be enjoyed for years to come. We also desire to take care of our Earth and fight climate change. By planting trees and flowers that help our pollinators, we are helping our suffering planet. As our students learn to take care of our planet and themselves, we hope that they will look to the land to connect to their roots.
We have built up our Mini-Orchard from last year. We added 3 new apple trees to the four that were already there. We also planted raspberry canes. At the front of the school, we are adding flowers to our 7 planters. We also have 3 large planters with strawberries and asparagus. Watering all of these areas was very difficult last year, so we also purchased a cart with a 100 L water tank to haul around.
Reflection & Celebration
We are so excited for harvest this year! Students cannot wait to pick strawberries like they did last year. This year, they will also get to enjoy the raspberries. In the fall, we should get some apples and plums. They are all so thrilled to enjoy the fruits of their labours!