Hastings School Recycling Program
At Hastings School, we started an education and action plan to improve the knowledge of our students about recycling, increase our recyclables and decrease our waste in the building.
Student leaders in the EcoKids Club developed a recycling process that involved separating and cleaning some recycling that was previously discarded as trash. These leaders went from classroom to classroom after lunch hours each day with a moving cart and cleaning supplies. After our learning curve, these Grade 6 and 7 students trained some of our eager Early Years students as helpers in the process, thus making connections on a personal level in the building and to making a commitment to the environment.
The entire school participated in reviewing the purposed of recycling in classrooms and did a garbage audit to determine the mass of garbage, recyclables and items that could be composted that are found everyday at Hastings. Students found this particularly informative and these outcomes were shared with the community at our Parent evening. The school then took steps to reduce the use of plastic forks and spoons at lunchtimes by replacing them with washable cutlery.
Game boards were developed to help with our education campaign for Grades 5-8. Puzzles of habitats, animals and recycling themes were developed for students in K-Grade 4.
Reflection & Celebration
While we did notice a trend toward reductions in garbage amounts, our program of recycling and education was cut short by our move to remote learning in the spring of 2020.