Healing Garden
A few years ago we planted a very large garden hopping to attract pollinators to the school yard. We have had some success with a few plants but not with others. This year we decided to plant new plants that are native to the region and that are significant to the Indigenous People of Manitoba.
The students have researched the plants that are important to the Indigenous People and have chosen some pollinator plants that we will be planting in the next few weeks. The students will be in charge of planting, watering, and weeding all the plants in the Healing Garden. We have been working hard over the last few years, learning about the Indigenous people and incorporating as many aspects as possible. In a few years once the garden has established plants that are thriving, the students will meet with Community Elders to learn about harvesting and using the plants in the ways of the Indigenous Peoples.
Reflection & Celebration
As the students continue to learn about the Indigenous ways of life, they will be able to spend time at the Healing Garden discussing how Indigenous peoples use the gifts from Mother Earth. With support from the divisional Elders and the Elders in the community, the students will learn how and when to harvest the medicinal plants and how they are used.