
International Youth Council – Mississauga Chapter on sustainable development and environmental stewardship


International Youth Council – Mississauga Chapter is a member chapter of International Youth Council. International Youth Council was founded at Youth Assembly at the United Nations in 2007. The International Youth Council seeks to unite, inspire, and develop the next generation of world leaders. We at the Mississauga Chapter tries to meet with these expectations. We are members of the International Youth Council – Mississauga Chapter, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. The URL for the chapter is, http://internationalyouthcouncil.com/group/mississauga.


Sustainable development and Environmental stewardship in any society would not take place, unless the populace has a keen understanding as to why such is important. We believe education and knowledge plays a fundamental component in this regard. Therefore, for the past few years, we have been concentrating on key components that would facilitate education and knowledge, which in turn leads to self-empowerment. We have concentrated on items such a reuse of personal computers, reuse of text books, reuse of eye glasses in local and international arena with reputed non-profit organizations. We believe a resource such as personal computers, text books, eye glasses that have already been produced should have its useful life extended, wherever and whenever possible. We also believe these components are a few of the fundamental tools for education and knowledge.

By providing the components mentioned above to those who otherwise would not have access to such due to lack of access and affordability and no cost to the recipient, starts the journey of self-empowerment of the vulnerable in our global society. This empowerment of the most vulnerable has a cascading effect in society that enriches the process towards Sustainable development and Environmental stewardship. We believe this application has relevance in any community throughout the world.

1. No Poverty
4. Quality Education
10. Reduced Inequalities
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