Labrador West: Single-Use Plastics
Thousands of single-use plastics are shipped into Labrador West daily and the majority of them are ending up in our landfills, unable to break down naturally into our ecosystems. Grade 7 students at J.R.Smallwood Middle School in Wabush want to create a healthier planet by redirecting these single-use plastics to recycling facilities across our province.
Over the course of 4 weeks, our class collected single-use plastics from the homes of our school population. Creating posters for each classroom to encourage and promote the recycling efforts, as well as making daily announcements over the school speaker system, students collected hundreds of plastic containers that were destined for our Labrador West landfill!
Our students also visited our local Green Depot to learn more about recycling initiatives in our area and to find out what more can be done.
From there, students then had the idea to collect hard-to-recycle office supplies here at school. They researched ways to ship them out and even found free recycling programs available through various companies.