
LEAF (Leaders for the Environment, Agriculture . . . Our Future)


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Jack Layton Award | Winner


Our project was aimed at promoting healthy choices in students by empowering them to be actively involved in their learning and increase their environmental literacy. Through involvement in the club, Leaders for the Environment, Agriculture…our Future (LEAF), students focused on answering the following questions:
•What are healthy foods?
•How do our food choices impact the environment and our health?
•How can we grow and use these foods in our daily lives?


Students met twice a month in the 2013/2014 academic year. The first meeting of each month focused on knowledge acquisition (either cooking techniques or learning about healthy local foods) and the second meeting of each month focused on preparing and eating a meal using healthy, local foods. The monthly project group topics included Local Food, Urban farming, Backyard Gardens and Food Industry Careers. We shared our knowledge with other students at our school through e-announcements and newsletter articles, with our community through an education night about Healthy Living and with other teachers in our board through an action research carousel.

3. Good Health and Well-Being
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
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