LSF Gardening Project
We wanted to begin something that was manageable and actionable and inspiring and provided feedback and training (skills development) in real time. We believe that if we feel more connected with our food and with “our” lands – the territories that we depend upon – then we will be far more likely to care for them in sustainable ways and ways that will help us to continue to cultivate relationships that are mutually beneficial to all beings in all worlds, i.e. we would be embodying a kosmo-centric morality. (This morality sees ALL of life, as well as non-sentient existence, as Sacred and worthy of respect and care.) This habit would/will continue to develop and unfold on its own intrinsically valuable and rewarding motivation. Connection begets connection, and connections are healthy and feel good. They are, in every sense, restorative and rejuvenating.
We started lots of seedlings from a wide variety of heirloom seeds so that our learners could add to – or more likely – begin their gardening Odysseys as fledgling gardeners. We all know that once we have done something once, the likelihood of our doing it again greatly increases. As many of our learners have never gardened before, we thought this was a great opportunity to get their hands dirty/their ears wet with a new, wonderful, healthful, stewardship/ steward-developing activity.
We are also in the process of adding to our currently existing garden. Additionally, we bought a little grow light and timer so that next fall/winter, when the light is waning, we can continue to grow some fresh organic herbs indoors to accentuate and enhance our “healthy meals programme” as well to keep the love of gardening alive over the long winter.
In short, we know that gardeners are far more likely to be and become stewards than non-gardeners. As such, we planted both literal and metaphorical seeds to germinate, grow, cultivate, bloom, blossom, and unfold and fruit in that direction. Caring for our little garden(s) will help us to develop the skills for caretaking the Garden/”Eden” that is the Earth.
Reflection & Celebration
We reflect daily as we notice what the seedlings and plants are needing and noting how their needs change as they grow depending on a wide variety of conditions not the least of which is the weather. We celebrate, by way of gratitude each day, each seedling bursting through the soil, but our harvest celebrations will be a ways off as yet. That said, we may be able to harvest some early radishes and possibly some peas, beans, and bok choy before school lets out in late June =)