
Montclair’s Learning Garden


In the middle of the school there was a space that was overgrown and no one was accessing it. Our vision was to create an outdoor space where staff and students could access it throughout the day. Also, have inquiry based projects happening as part of the project as well.


We needed to purchase the right materials to follow through with our vision. We were able to consult with a local nursery on what shrubs are native to Ontario. We had loads of dirt delivered to the school to fill the raised gardens last year. Seeds were purchased with seed pods where classes could grow them in their classrooms. Watering cans were purchased so students can water the plants.

Reflection & Celebration

We have grade 8s sawing wood to help with a shed, we have classes growing three sisters garden to make soup. We have classes growing seedlings in their classrooms and planting the vegetables in a raised garden. We have a class that has planted seeds for a pollinator garden. We have a sensory perennial garden with a variety of herbs/fragrances that the students can explore. We have made the space more accessible for our special needs students as well as made it welcoming for staff. We have gotten the community involved. Families could donate gardening tools. In the fall, we had families plant bulbs at our Fall open house. At our spring Kindergarten open house, families could choose a flower (annual) and plant it.

3. Good Health and Well-Being
4. Quality Education
9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
17. Partnerships for the Goals
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