No More Water Bottles!
Our plan as an Eco Club was to reduce the amount of non-reusable water bottles in our school by 90%.
Earlier in the year, the Region of Peel came in to present on Water Systems and Water Treatment to the grade 8 classes in the school. Each student in grade 8 received a free water bottle.
Later on, we conducted a water bottle survey of the classes during a Data Management Fair to get an idea on the school’s usage.
In March we held an Eco Fair and gave out water bottles to game winners in grade 6 and 7 (approximately 300).
The Teacher-Librarian asked students how many were still using non-reusables. She then showed a Water Brothers video to explain to students in grades 7 and 8 why water bottles are such a big problem and change the mindset of the students towards tap water.
For Earth Week, all students were to sign the Eco Pledge to not use non-reusable water bottles.
In June, we plan to have a celebration for the reduction of water bottle usage in the school.