
Osgoode Township High School Canoe Pollinator Garden


Our vision is to help our pollinators. We know that they are in decline and after having completed some research we learned that building a pollinator garden is a good way to help them.


We procured a used canoe and began work on it in March (cleaning, sanding, painting, varnishing). We are still in the preparation phase but we should be ready to plant our seeds within a few weeks. Today we purchased our stone and soil. Our Eco Team students are very excited to see the end result.

Reflection & Celebration

When we finally get this canoe on the ground and get our seeds and seedlings planted, I’m sure we will have a celebratory picnic. We can talk about the foods we eat that are dependent on our pollinator friends.

4. Quality Education
9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
13. Climate Action
15. Life on Land
17. Partnerships for the Goals
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