Outdoor Greenhouse and Classroom
Our vision was to build a greenhouse that will be used as part of an outdoor classroom to teach students how to grow their own food. With the help of our committee members, as well as financial contributions, this will be a success.
The Greenhouse will be also used to make many connections throughout various parts of the curriculum. Our volunteers and community members will be also valuable. Student-led projects associated with the greenhouse teach responsibility, organization, and teamwork. It will also be used to help teach about growing food independently as well as food sustainability. As an incentive for this greenhouse project, we also added a composting program to our school.
The senior skilled trades class will help build the greenhouse as part of their curriculum objectives. Seeds and flowers were grown in the greenhouse and put in the park for everyone to see. Food will be started in the greenhouse and transplanted into the park and grown. During the fall, the students and community members such as the 50 Plus Club come to help harvest the vegetables and we all cook a Thanksgiving meal at the school.