Pearce Growing Project
We hope to help our students see how they can grow their own food and beautify their environment through sustainable action. We applied for and received funds to start a classroom garden.
With the funds we purchased gardening equipment and supplies such as trowels, watering cans, gloves, soil, peat, seeds, bulbs, containers, and the like. We are growing many flowers, herbs and veggies! Some od the things our students are growing include marigolds, dahilias, peppermint, oregano, kale, swiss chard and spinach.
Reflection & Celebration
Our students are learning to take of the plants consistently, to be responsible and what can come of good work and solid effort done as a team. They are also learning that they are capable of growing things that can nourish them and make their environment beautiful. Not only are they learning to feed the body, but the mind and spirit as well through new learning experiences and a calm and lovely environment that renews the spirit. We hope to have a salad lunch later in the last week of school. We will take pictures and discuss how the project helped us and what we learned.