Planting Change – Quill Lake School 2022
The inspiration for this project was not only to “plant change” but also to create a hands on/visual learning opportunity so that students can watch their impacts grow and develop along with them. We also wanted to address the needs of our school community through beautification as well as shade and wind protection.
Our action project focused on planting trees and plants in our school yard. The Kindergarten class explored the importance of trees and plants in their community and for the environment. The Gr. 5/6 classroom also discovered why sustainable actions can have a positive impact for years to come and ways in which they can create sustainable actions. Each group played a role in preparing, planting, and maintaining our project. Students worked hands on to put each plant in the soil and have taken a role in caring for the following plantings (even during our spring snow/slush storm).
Reflection & Celebration
We hope this project continues to inspire positive and sustainable actions by the students in our community and a respect for the land and plants around our school. An appreciation for the environment and taking care of it while we can is important for students to learn.