Pollinator Garden
A pollinator garden provides essential habitats for bees, butterflies, birds and other pollinators by creating attractive environments for pollinators in an urban setting. Improving conditions for pollinators will ensure the reproductive success of all plants and the survival of the wildlife that depend on those plants for food and shelter. Nearby habitats including a pond, fields and bush will benefit from a pollinator garden.
The school has a perfect location for our pollinator garden. We dug a small plot two years ago and we plan to enlarge and improve the garden. It is sheltered from wind, with a mix of sunshine and shade throughout the day. Students can view the garden from a large foyer window, safe from the bees and insects. Students learn the basic needs of wildlife — food, water, shelter, and places to rear young. They have opportunities to study wildlife, learn about life cycles and ecosystems and participate in planning, planting and developing a garden. They benefit from having a space for real-life observation and exploration of nature. Students, families and the community enjoy and feel pride in this environmental stewardship opportunity.
Students from all grades will have opportunities to help develop and plant the pollinator garden. The Gr8 Green Team, a group of volunteer grade 8 students, will lead the development of the garden. They will work with the local Conservation Authority to choose and plant the shrubs and flowers. Native, drought tolerant species will be used to reflect the original diversity of the area. They will mulch and water and be stewards of the garden. They will also be the teachers and share their knowledge and information with younger students. Younger grades will be invited to start seeds during the winter and plant them in the spring. The Community will be invited to enjoy the garden through social media and school assemblies. The continued development of the garden in future years will be a legacy for the students of Jack Chambers Public School.
Reflection & Celebration
Jack Chambers Public School always celebrates our eco-achievements with assemblies, posters and bulletin boards. We post on social media and the school website and publicized on the school sign. We also send our information and pictures for posting on the school Board website and for use by our community partnerships. Our annual school picnic in the spring is a great opportunity to introduce and present the garden. Family, community members and School Board members will be invited to enjoy the garden.