Recycling at HSS
We believe that any action small or big is necessary to help us to safe our Mother Earth.
The leadership team at Hazelton Secondary School, consisting of students and led by teachers, came to the realization that much of the waste in our school garbage cans was actually recyclable, and we were not doing anything about it. Items, like misprinted paper in the staff room or library, or paper plates and plastic containers from the cafeteria or our food program, all wound up in the landfill. An audit of our school garbage cans confirmed our concerns, as approximately 60% of the waste was actually recyclable materials. While our school has a small population of approximately 350 students, we believe that the impact of implementing a recycling program would be significant and noticeable. As a school population, implementing a recycling program was an easy action that we could take with a considerable return on investment for the environment. We also believe that our recycling program will inspire students and the community to become mindful and proactive with their own habits as it pertains to waste.