
Reducing our Carbon Footprint


Students noticed that when doing classroom waste lessons we were suggesting ‘compost’ as an option but we had no composting at school. Students decided they wanted to tackle the carbon footprint of our breakfast program that we have daily at our school. They decided to get a table composter to reduce the carbon footprint of the breakfast program at our school.


We ordered a tabletop composter and have all the organics like banana peels, orange peels, and apple cores go into the composter.

Reflection & Celebration

We have successfully reduced the amount of organic material going into the landfill from our school breakfast program. We also this year stopped ordering anything that required a plastic spoon to eat. We are looking to see if we can expand the program for next year but would require more money than we did for start-up up so students are researching school grants that we can apply for.

12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
15. Life on Land
17. Partnerships for the Goals
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