
Reducing our Carbon Footprint


We are looking to reduce our carbon footprint.


We are planting more mature trees behind our school to provide more shelter for the buildings (reducing electricity usage), and providing an outdoor learning space. We will be adding some white pine saplings to the plantings, which will take longer to establish and grow into mature trees. When our school was built a couple of years ago, a large section of natural growth was removed to make space for the school. Most of the trees were removed from the area and a small section of the scrub brush is all that remains of the original green space.

We also plan to implement school gardens and composting, if we are able to find the funds and materials in the fall. This will help reduce waste and provide food for the school population.

Reflection & Celebration

We have begun our project by working with a local greenhouse to order trees that would be most successful in establishing in our space. Trees should arrive in June to be planted!

2. Zero Hunger
3. Good Health and Well-Being
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
15. Life on Land
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