Shelters for Orphaned Wildlife
This project is a sequel to Rama Central’s “Food Drive for Orphaned Wildlife,” which received second prize and a $2,000. grant in the 2015 Our Canada Project Award competition. The students at Rama Central P.S. envisioned a future for Canada where orphaned wildlife were cared for in a responsible and environmentally sustainable way that would allow them to be released safely into the wild. To support this vision, the students invested their Our Canada Project grant in materials to construct wooden sleeping boxes for orphaned squirrels, flying squirrels, chipmunks and opossums being raised for release at local wildlife rehabilitation centres.
We consulted with local wildlife rehabilitators about what types and designs of shelters would be most helpful to them. Then we had Home Hardware Orillia pre-cut plywood and supply us with hardware and glue to construct 96 wooden squirrel boxes and 5 wooden opossum boxes. The Grade 7 and Grade 8 classes took the lead on this project. They learned how to construct boxes and then mentored students in Grades 3-6, during workshops held in the school gym over a two day period. Additional boxes were then constructed by the Grade 5 class, in their classroom. Sleeping boxes were delivered to four local wildlife rehabilitation centres, for use with this year’s young patients.