Sowing the Seeds to a Better Mental Health
Through funding from LSF, students in our board-level Day Treatment classroom continue to benefit from gardening and planting initiatives. This year, we added a class Aero garden in the winter months to grow cherry tomatoes, lettuce, chives, basil and the list goes on. When spring conditions finally set in, we were able to start our greenhouses and now have a full variety for sale for staff and students – from red peppers, hot peppers, arugula, cat grass, tomato plants, basil, carrots and flowers like cosmos and calendula.
We also benefited from getting compost soil straight from the Sudbury landfill this year that was rich in nutrient content rather than bagged soil. We have begun round 3 of growing already and will be transporting plants in June to a community garden at Twin Forks playground which has a sign erected in our name.
-students planted different seed varieties
-students watered and tended to the plants
-students transplanted plants
-students assisted the first part of the year with composting in the school (until we had to cease and desist due to a bug issue)
-students sold plants and delivered them to happy new owners in the building
-students grew plants for mother’s to take home for mother’s day
-students grew plants as gifts to administrations, special guests (Indigenous lead received sage)
-students used a propagating system to grow house plants
Reflection & Celebration
Students have gained new skills and appreciation for gardening. It is always nice to hear that they are planting at home too after hours.
Students learned soft skills in customer service and planting. They also have translated this learning to the home environment in many cases. They have a greater appreciation for mother earth, recognize that hands in the soil is a means of grounding them from anxiety and stress.