
STUpaloza Pollinator Garden


We want to install a pollinator garden to be able to maintain the species that gravitate towards our campus, and also preserve biodiversity on our campus as well. This is a feasible action to take within our current gardening restraints. Depending on how costly the pollinator garden is, we are also hoping to purchase some soil and seeds to start a small food garden in an existing smaller planter that was not impacted by the fire so that we can still provide interested students with the opportunity to learn about gardening. Gardening is a major aspect of our community, and we want to keep this opportunity alive.

As outlined by ACAP Saint John, pollinator gardens are related to climate change because “the pollination of plants is essential for humans as many crops must be pollinated before they can grow into the food we eat. Creating pollinator habitat will help increase the number of pollinator species and help reduce the impacts of biodiversity loss.” In doing this, pollinator gardens help combat climate change. Students will also learn about the positive impact smaller-scale gardens can have on our ecosystem! https://www.acapsj.org/pollinator-garden


On June 17th, we will collaborate with local elementary schools, and Teacher Candiates from St. Thomas University (Fredericton, NB), to teach students about the importance of pollinators! Students will also have the opportunity to learn about the life-cycle of plants, and engage in a flower planting activity themselves to take home! This is one small program that is part of a much larger event on climate education! Our event is called STUpaloza!

We plan to dedicate this pollinator garden to a teacher who is retiring at the end of this year and has been incredibly involved in climate action at our school. She is the heart of our club and has grown so many brilliant minds and aspiring young climate activists. Her legacy will be celebrated by a plaque that will be fixed to the front of the garden bed.

Reflection & Celebration

We are so excited to reinvigorate our garden, and to educate the youth about climate action while doing it! This garden symbolizes the collaboration between Harbour View High School, St. Thomas University School of Education, Seaside Elementary, Saint Rose Elementary, and Learning for a Sustainable Future. We can’t wait to watch the flowers bloom, like all the beautiful minds who nurtured it.
Thank you to Laura Myers and LFS for your support with this project.

4. Quality Education
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
13. Climate Action
15. Life on Land
17. Partnerships for the Goals
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