Sustainability At Home Challenge
We are working to educate and inform the students and families of St. Mary, Grafton about issues related to sustainability and encourage them to live more sustainably and take better care of the Earth.
We developed an educational program to deliver to students virtually through their classroom teachers that involved a presentation, supporting activities and an at-home challenge. The goal was to have students submit photos, videos, drawings and written descriptions of the things they were doing at home to live more sustainably. As a result of participation all students will receive a St. Mary Grafton reusable water bottle to use at home or at school.
Reflection & Celebration
It was so great to see so many students and families engaged in this activity. We saw evidence of students doing some of the following things: using less water, using less energy, creating less waste, recycling, composting, buying local foods, growing their own foods, collecting rain water, using reusable containers instead of single-use, creating safe spaces for wildlife, spending time in nature and much more!