
Tall Grass Prairie Pollinators Corridor


Some of our UNESCO club attended the LSF Climate change conference and were inspired when they learnt about tall grass prairies. They heard about the benefits of this type of natural area and wanted to see if this could work for our school community. It fits with our school inquiry goal – What actions can we take to better protect, restore and promote sustainable local and global ecosystems that will allow us to live in harmony with Mother Earth
The students researched our school site and located a 180 by 2 foot corridor between our natural play space and teacher parking lot. This site would be ideal because it is protected from potential student trampling by a fence.
Benefits to our school and community as researched by students:
• Increased carbon capture in our soil -most of the grassland carbon is stored in the soil. Grasses play a significant role in the global carbon cycle because of their vast areas and high soil carbon density.
• Reestablishment of an important ecosystem which has been declining.
• Grasses anchor soil and are resistant to weeds
• Drought resistant so low maintenance.
• Grasses help to build soil quality as their roots break down
• Aesthetically pleasing
• Attract pollinators such as monarchs, skippers
• Wind buffer
• Contribute to conservation of wildlife diversity – shelter for birds, food for birds
• The UNESCO team hopes to provide education to our students and community through posters and presentation to classes in school and signage onsite about the benefits of our grassland corridor.

Grasses being planted
10 SHEEP FESCUE Festuca ovina saximontana
10 – SIDE OATS GRAMA Bouteloua curtipendula
20 – LITTLE BLUESTEM Schizachyrium scoparium


We have learnt, brainstormed, researched, measured, collaborated, called landscape companies, ordered supplies, made presentations, dug holes, and watered in order to plant a tall grass prairies ecosystem on our school grounds.

Reflection & Celebration

This heart of this project is student-led. They were inspired, made a proposal, did the research, and shared their findings. Because of their initiative, staff has been able to help bring their idea to life. The hands-on learning with measuring, digging up, and planting allows students to have ownership of their work. This is a celebration of community, team work and collaboration. When the tall grass comes in, they will have something substantial to look at as a reminder of their hard work.

-This project has allowed students to apply their learning outside the classroom (biodiversity and ecosystems in science). Students are eager to participate and support the project.
-Older students have a strong connection to the project and are involved in educating our younger students about it.
-Noticing a stronger connection to the land. Students are involved in creating this project and therefore will work to ensure it is valued and respected.
-Students really care about the project since they initiated the idea. Students conducted their own research and collaboration with landscaping companies.

-as we are planting there is an interest from staff and students to learn more about it.
-students are eager to complete the project and sustain it.
-community interest is likely to follow as students explain what it is


Check out our project video here!

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
13. Climate Action
15. Life on Land
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