The Big Dig- Vegetable Garden
Our vision for Canada is…
A country of citizens who understand the importance of sustainable living. A country where sustainable living is emphasized and celebrated in schools. A country where schools are full of students who respect the land they live on and the neighbors they live with.
A vegetable garden gives students some of the skills they need to live a sustainable life. It shows students where their food comes from and what food requires to grow. It provides students with a way to actively give back to their community by donating harvested food to those who have less.
Students in the JW Gerth community are aware of the changing landscapes around them, the problems climate change brings and that there are friends in the community who do not have enough. Problems students see and hear about every day. Students at JW Gerth were excited to use their knowledge and skill to help solve a real issue in their community.
Students, teachers, YMCA Childcare ECEs, parent volunteers and community members installed 16 6x2x2 raised garden containers and filled each container with gravel and soil.
ECO Team members grew cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchinis, carrots and dill indoors during the winter months and will transplant the plants to our outdoor gardens once the risk of frost has passed. Each classroom has a small plot within the gardens and together will decide what seeds or seedlings they will plant and care for.
Harvested plants will be consumed by students during the school year, while vegetables harvested during the summer months will be donated to local shelters.
The project is designed to incorporate help from every student in the school. So far, every student has had a hand in helping to fill the garden containers with gravel and soil. We hope each child will have a chance to plant, water, weed, harvest and taste in the days to come.
The ECO Team played and will continue to play a valuable role in this project through early planting and caring for plants, running fundraisers and educating every class in the school about the project and why it is important.