The Epic Knitty Bitty Clothing and Food Drive
The LSF Ambassadors from the Capstone Program in Orillia came to our Grade 5 class and helped students identify and develop this project idea. Students in Grade 5, at Rama Central P.S., envision a Canada where everyone would have clean and warm clothes to wear, and enough food to eat. They decided to knit scarves, and they sought and received approval to spearhead a school wide clothing and food drive for the less fortunate in our community.
For four weeks, in the fall of 2015, Grade 5 students at Rama Central P.S. attended a knitting club, taught each other how to knit and created scarves. They produced banners, posters, announcements, a newsletter article, flyers, and a drop off station, to encourage staff and students from Grades K-8 to donate clothing and food for those in need. The Grade 5 class then maintained the drop off station, with daily visits to tidy the donations and transfer overflow to the classroom. At the end of the four week campaign, the Grade 5 class sorted clothing items and counted and boxed food items, for transport to Orillia. Fifteen student-made scarves and fourteen giant bags of clothing were donated to the Greenhaven Shelter. 339 food items were donated to The Sharing Place Food Bank.