The Green Phoenix
Our vision for Canada is to have more bicycles on the roads.
Our team attended LSF’s Youth Leadership Forum in Guelph in December. From the speakers and workshops, we learned about sustainability topics and skills such as: water sanitation, the importance of bike routes, creative thinking, and problem solving. Learning about these things made us interested in pursuing Action Projects related to: water privatization, ocean garbage, global warming, trees, invasive specifies, and lack of biking infrastructures. These things are important to us because they can negatively impact our planet for generations. To fix these issues, some actions we could take are: advocating for more bike racks, planting trees and making gardens, and advocating for more recycling bins. To get started, first we’ll need to talk to school administration to learn more about the funding opportunities for the projects we want to do. We hope that by the end of the school year, we will have more bike racks, and a peace garden!
Followup Action: We noticed when we came back to our school that students were using trees to lock up their bikes as there wasn’t a bike rack at one side of our building. We have located the spot for a bike rack and have placed an order for a new bike rack for these students.
Our students ran a very successful EarthWeek with Guest Speakers from Sea Shepherd, showing The Bee Movie, Bike to School Day, Reduce Energy Consumption Day, and a clothing diversion drive through Bag2School.