
Tiny Home Garden Boxes


To make safe, affordable, healthy and vegetarian foods available to all – especially those who are ‘living rough’ or ‘unsheltered.’


We built 4 large garden boxes for a ‘Tiny Home’ community that we have partnered with this year in the Waterloo Region. In the fall, our group ran a board-wide ‘Better Tent City Sleep Out’ to raise awareness of the housing crisis in the region and financial support for those who live in the Tiny Home community. This spring we used the grant money from the LSF Climate Youth Forum we attended to build garden boxes for those living in the community.

Reflection & Celebration

We were surprised at how much fun we had building the boxes! Most students did not have significant experience in tech, carpentry, building/design courses but with the support of our construction teacher, we were able to organize and order materials, do the measurements, cutting, and constructing of the garden boxes. It will be exciting to see the positive impacts it has on those struggling to afford housing, let alone healthy foods, in our community this spring/summer and in years to come.

1. No Poverty
2. Zero Hunger
3. Good Health and Well-Being
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
10. Reduced Inequalities
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
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