


Our vision for Canada is to sustain the natural beauty all around us! We want to raise awareness of strategies for waste reduction so that we can send less to the landfill and enjoy more of our beautiful landscape. Our projects aim was to introduce a composting project at our school in order to reduce the amount of waste we were producing and raise awareness of waste reduction strategies we can all use.


We started a composting program where students sorted and collected food that could be composted rather then sending it to the landfill. As part of this project we started a vermi-composting system that increased our composting capacity and taught students more about waste cycles in nature. We plan to use the compost we have harvested in our school gardens to grow new food. Students are responsible for all aspects of our project, including teaching other students about composting and the importance of waste reduction. These student leaders ran workshops on sorting food waste properly and introduced our vermi-composting to the rest of the school.

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
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