Vermicomposting at Rothesay High School
Our goal is to reduce our footprint, and help produce food for our students.
We chose to begin vermicomposting in order to help reduce the waste produced by our culinary tech classes, and to also have our agriculture course help produce food where possible to introduce fresh, inhouse grown products. We purchased a vermicomposter and composting worms, and began collecting the appropriate waste products from our cul-tech classes. We also began to collect cardboard that may or may not get recycled to help reduce the waste our school produces. These items were added to our vermicomposter in order to produce our own soil amendments. The end goal is to use the worm castings to enrich our soil which is used to produce microgreens and plants that will be used in turn by the cul tech class in their meals. The goal is to create a climate friendly loop of waste to food in our school when possible.
Reflection & Celebration
It is a long process to get to worm castings, but it is certainly worth it to help reduce the waste within our school. Our goal is to create more vermicomposters and add them to individual classes to continue to reduce the food waste, and help off set the costs of soil amendments needed in the agriculture class. We have been able to have a few meals with our microgreens and our herbs. Our tomato plants are almost ready to transplant to our outdoor garden in order to have tomatoes for the new cul-tech class this fall.