Wellbeing Garden
Our vision is to create an outdoor space that will provide an escape for students and staff. The garden is located near the shed at the back of the school, which is also across from the Long Term Care Home in our community. The residents of the LTCH will be able to see the plants and flowers growing from their windows, and the students and staff will have a space to visit when they would like to breathe in some fresh air, unplug from their devices, and watch pollinating insects do their thing. The garden is going to be created by the students in woodshop. They will measure and cut the wood, and assemble the garden bed. They will then fill the bed with dirt and plant the various pollinator plants and native species that I have purchased with the grant money. These students will feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment and ownership over this garden, and they will also tend to it during the school year. The plants that were selected are hardy, native plants that are drought tolerant, so that during the summer months, they can grow to their content, and do not need much attention when school is out. The community members from the Long Term Care Home are invited to visit the garden during July and August, when the school is less busy. Moving forward I would love to establish a partnership between the LTCH and the school, based on the garden as a starting point. This way, the wellbeing of our students and the wellbeing of our community members can both benefit.
Students in the construction class will measure and cut the wood to build the garden bed. They will also prepare the ground for the garden on Thursday June 2 (after the heat warning and rainfall). The bed will be placed by the students, with guidance from staff, and the dirt will be filled once the bed is in position. Students will then plant the pollinator plants and native species that will populate the garden. In the future, this will be a space where students and staff can visit to find some calm and wellbeing.
Reflection & Celebration
Once the garden has been planted, we will have a small celebration to thank the students who put the work in to make it possible. We will also inform the Long Term Care Home across the street, so they can be aware of the garden, as well.