
Worm Composter


Our classroom vision was to reduce the amount of food waste being sent to our landfills. According to the U.S EPA, (could not find Canadian stats) 24% of household waste is organic matter and compostable. According to the WWF, composting food in landfills produces dangerous methane gases that contribute to climate change. Our classroom vision is to reduce the amount of food being thrown in the garbage in order and turn it into usable compost to feed the earth and plants that our school grows and uses in our breakfast program.


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the project did not turn out as planned. Due to the government lock down of schools, our composting inquiry being remote learning. Students witnessed how to set up a worm composter. They learnt how to feed and care for the worms. They made posters to teach others what foods and materials can be composted. Our plan did not however become as large scale as we hoped. Rather than collect waste from 30 lunches in our class and 14 classrooms school wide, it turned into a remote project investigating the process of composting household waste and children were encouraged to start a compost program in their own homes.

Reflection & Celebration

As I look back on the project, I am saddened at how it had to change due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I would like to continue the project and expand it, but due to contact tracing and social distancing, the project cannot expand at this time. I hope that as the global pandemic settles, I will be able to revive the project.

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
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